Japanese Education

Japanese have many more hours of school time compared to the U.S. They go to school from April to March, have less summer vacation, more periods, and many other additions. Japanese students also have six series of schools to go through:

  • Kindergarten - ages two to six
  • Primary School - ages six to twelve
  • Junior High School - ages twelve to fifteen
  • Senior High School - ages fifteen to eighteen
 After graduating Senior High School;
  • Professional School - starts at eighteen
  • Junior College - starts at eighteen
  • University - starts at eighteen
After graduating University:
  • Graduate School - starts at twenty-two

There are many different qualities of schools from kindergarten on. To be accepted into a higher quality school you have to take an entrance exam. Almost everything in their schools are working towards getting them ready for tests that
will prepare them for another level of schooling. Teachers are not responsible for each child accomplishing theses goals. If a student doesn't understand a concept, then they are expected to get help through the "cram school" which meets twice a month on Saturdays. Most students spend time after school hours attending club activities such as sports, tea ceremony, art clubs, computer, language and Ikbana or drama or music. And each class takes several field trips each year. At least one will be an overnight trip to an important city nearby. Kyoto was a favorite place to visit.

Japan:Resources for a visual arts theme unit


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