asteroid--one of the small planets occupying orbits mainly between Mars and Jupiter.


astronaut--a space traveler


astronomer--someone who studies the heavenly bodies


Black hole - An object whose gravity is so strong that the escape velocity exceeds the speed of light.


comet--A small body of ice and dust in orbit around the Sun. While passing near the sun, a comet's vaporized ice become its "tail".

Constellation -
A group of stars that make a shape, often named after mythological characters, people, animals, and things.

Core - The innermost layer of a planet or star.

Corona - The Sun's outer atmosphere.

crater- A hole caused by a meteorite crashing into the moon's surface or by a volcano exploding.


Earth--The fifth largest planet of the solar system. It is the third planet from the sun.


galaxy--one of the vast number of systems containing stars, star clusters 


Halley's Comet--He  observed the great comet of 1682 and calculated its orbit and predicted  its return in 1758.


Jupiter--It is the fifth planet from the sun. Jupiter has a Great Red Spot.  It is the first of the outer planets, and is the largest of all the planets. 


lunar eclipse--A darkening of the moon caused by the passing of the earth between the sun and the moon.


Mars-- Mars is the inner planet farthest from the sun.  It is called the Red Planet because its soil is red.


Mercury-- Mercury is the planet closest to the sun.  It is the smallest of the inner planets.


meteor--It falls across the dark sky, leaving a silvery trail behind.  It may look like a shooting star,  but really this is a meteor.  Meteors are the junk of the Solar system. 


meteorite--A part of a meteoroid that survives through the Earth's atmosphere.


meteoroid--A small rock in space.


Moon--The moon is Earth's natural satellite.  It takes the moon 27 days and 8 hours to circle the Earth.


Neptune--It takes 165 years to go around the sun.  It is the eighth planet. Of the four giant planets, it is farthest away from the sun.  Neptune has 3 known satellites.


orbit--The path of an object that is moving around a second object or point.

phases- The different shapes we see as the moon moves around the sun.


Pluto--Pluto still remains a mystery to scientists.  It is the ninth planet/


satellite--A body that revolves around a larger body


Saturn--Saturn isn't the only planet with rings.  It is the sixth planet from the sun. Saturn is the second largest planet in our solar system.  


solar eclipse--A darkening of the sun caused by the passing of the moon between the sun and the earth.


sun--The central controlling body of the solar system, lying at the principal focus of all planetary orbits.  It is also a star.


Uranus--This planet was discovered 200 years ago.  It is our seventh planet. Uranus is the third of the four big outer planets.  It is a small giant-only four times bigger than Earth.  It has rings.


Venus--When you look up at the sky, the brightest objects are the sun and the moon.  The next brightest is Venus. It is called the Evening Star.


Our Solar System

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The Sky